How a truck driver should prepare a long trip

Long-Distance Travel: How a truck driver should prepare

If you are already a long-time trucker, for sure, you have already faced a long-distance journey and felt the difficulties of staying on the road for so long.
Therefore, it is necessary to be prepared in all aspects to be able to face this "marathon" with your truck and reach the final destination safely and without any damage to the cargo. In addition, it is also necessary to be aware of possible problems that may arise along the way, anticipating unforeseen events.  
Given this scenario, do you want to know what it takes to make a long-distance truck trip? So, read on and learn how to maximize your trip, optimizing the time and resources spent.

How to prepare for a long-distance truck trip? 

You don't have to despair if a long-distance cargo transportation service arises. Just follow the 7 tips below that your route will be more comfortable and safe. Check out!


The first and, probably, the most important tip for a long-distance trip to take place smoothly is to plan the entire trip. This is because, although the experience counts when carrying out the transport, over greater distances, the chances of not knowing the route become greater.
Thus, it is necessary to know in depth the route that will be taken, determining which are the best highways to be traveled, places of stop, in addition to points that should be avoided by high crime rates, for example. Failure to carry out this prior study can have serious consequences for truck drivers.
What is noticed right away is the financial loss, since with the waste of time on the road there are delays in deliveries, making new services impossible. In addition, the integrity of the driver becomes at risk, and to compensate for the lost time, the driver drives more hours in the day, even when it was time to rest, leading to a dangerous direction that can lead to accidents on the track.

General inspection on the truck

Another measure that must be taken for a long-distance trip to be carried out safely is to carry out a complete overhaul on the truck. As you will be spending a lot of time on the road, you need to make sure that everything is in good working order and that the mandatory safety items, such as the fire extinguisher, for example, is also working.
Thus, the check must go from checking the condition of the tires and spare tire to checking the fluid level of the truck. The electrical part must also receive special attention to ensure that there is no failure during the course that will be covered. Also, cleaning the cabin cannot be overlooked, as traveling in an organized environment is much more comfortable.

Maintain posture

You may think that this is a superfluous concern compared to the others already presented so far, but paying attention to the posture on the long-distance trip is essential for the truck driver to reach the end of the “entire” route. Staying in the same position for several hours, performing the same movements can cause problems for the whole body, especially for the hands, wrists, arms, and spine.
Therefore, always make sure you are in a comfortable position, with an easy movement of the pedals and gearbox, but also that you are not too relaxed, as this can overload a member. It also takes into account the average of making a 20-minute rest stop every 3 hours of travel.

Check the vehicle documentation 

In order to carry out a long freight, as in any other cargo transportation service, it is also necessary to pay maximum attention to the vehicle, cargo and driver's documentation, of course. This is because in case of any inspection on the road, both police, and farm, you will not find any problems and will remain calm.
Keep something in mind: Never run with irregular documentation, as you run the risk of being fined and having your vehicle and merchandise seized. Conferring never hurts in these cases.

Have a good diet

Food during a long-distance trip should also gain special attention from drivers. Eating meals with heavier foods can cause problems for drivers, such as an increased feeling of sleep and decreased well-being during the journey.
Therefore, try to have a balanced diet during the transport, combining portions of proteins and carbohydrates with the corresponding doses of vitamins and nutrients. This will reflect positively on your body and also, why not, in your pocket.

Have full knowledge of the cargo you are carrying 

All truck drivers already know, or should know, that each type of cargo that is transported must follow its specifications so as not to be subject to a fine and even seizures. For example, when shipping lives, flammable or refrigerated cargo, there are different and detailed protocols with what should be done.
In addition to this aspect, it is also necessary to ensure that there is nothing illegal being transported, preventing future problems from occurring. The logistical details of the delivery must also be fully known to the driver when leaving for the trip, such as time and place available for loading and unloading and invoice for the items being transported.

Fight boredom

One last tip for your long-distance journey to occur in a better way is to look for ways to eliminate boredom on the road, but without also losing focus on driving. So, have the radio as a company, for example, listening to your favorite music while driving.


In short, the tips presented in this article, despite being even more necessary in long-distance journeys, should also be applied to other types of freight, since they seek to make life easier for drivers during service. Always a truck driver should prepare for travel. I hope you like our tips.

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