How to choose the best at truck tire 2020

Choosing Truck Tires: Learn how to choose the most suitable for your truck.

Choosing truck tires is very important for those who drive or work with this type of vehicle, after all, this item can directly interfere with the truck's performance and safety.

In addition, it is also necessary to take into account that buying a set of tires for this car is something that requires a good investment. That is, if you make the wrong choice, you could have a big loss.

Therefore, this decision needs to be made with caution and take into account a number of factors. From the type of cargo, your transport to the conservation of the roads you travel with the truck. All of this will affect, directly or indirectly, that decision.

To help you, we have separated in this post, some tips, and care that will surely guide you towards the best choice when it comes to defining the most suitable tire for your vehicle.

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How to choose truck tires: Tips and care you need to know

When choosing the most suitable truck tires to run your vehicle smoothly, some tips and precautions are very important and should be taken into consideration. And the first one is:

Assess how much extra cargo your truck usually carries

Generally, truck drivers only take the weight of the load into account. It turns out that depending on the route situation, an extra load can be added to the truck tires.

This is the case, for example, with climbs and bumpy roads. In this type of route, your vehicle will end up exerting a greater load on them. Consequently, they will need a larger band to cope with this strength.

So, before choosing truck tires, always evaluate the extra load you may be leaving.

Keep in mind that different types are required for each part of the vehicle

A common mistake among truckers is to believe that the same type of tire can be placed on all parts of the truck. Understand that the vehicle works in a modular way and that each module has different needs.

For example, the horse and cart combination usually travels on routes with great variation in relief. Soon, each party will receive a different type of strength. So it is necessary to choose truck tires considering the need for each module.

Check truck tire retread capability

Truck tires, as well as any other vehicles, have a high market cost, often making their purchase unviable for the pocket.

In this case, many people ask themselves: What to do to solve this problem and run safely?

The answer is simple! Nowadays, there are already processes that extend the life of the truck tire, for a much more accessible value. And the resurfacing process is one of them.

That is, you can "reform" and reuse your truck tires, without compromising their safety. But, for this to happen, you need to always check if the tires on your truck have the capacity to do this type of procedure, otherwise, the only solution will be to buy new tires.

See what size recommended by the manufacturer

It is very common, especially among those starting a career as a trucker, to choose truck tires of the wrong size. This usually happens when the professional wants to pay cheaper or is unaware of the vehicle's specifications.

However, this type of attitude is extremely dangerous and harmful. In addition to causing instability in the car, inadequate sizes end up accelerating the wear of various parts, such as the suspension.

That is, in the end, you will have more expenses, and you will have to spend a lot more.

If you are in doubt about the proper size for your vehicle, just look in the owner's manual. In it you will find all the information about your car, from the size of the truck tires to the care to avoid wearing pants.

Keep an eye on the routes you take

The quality of the routes you normally take with your vehicle also directly interferes with the choice of truck tires. This is because, depending on the degree of conservation or variation of reliefs, greater resistance is required.

If you do most of your freight on urban routes, that is, you need to do several maneuvers and constantly accelerate and brake, opt for high-severity truck tires. Now, if you usually take long highways, the famous “ or the ones of low severity are enough.

For regional routes, that is, which has paved roads, but with a lot of relief variations (which is the most a common type of road in Brazil), choosing medium-severity truck tires are the most suitable.

For mixed routes, which have dirt and paved roads, choose mixed ones. Now, if you often pick up rough, unpaved places with lots of rocks, off-roading is ideal.

How to keep truck tires preserved?

In addition to choosing truck tires, you also need to know how to maintain them. That way, in addition to increasing its durability, you will also save a lot of money.

Rotate tires

Even if you add different truck tires to each module of your vehicle, they continue to wear unevenly. To balance this wear and increase its useful life, the ideal is to rotate the tires.

That is, change the position of each of them periodically.

Keep an eye on the alignment of your vehicle

The alignment of your vehicle directly affects truck tires. That's because, if it is misaligned, it will end up exerting extra load on some specifics, which will force you to change them ahead of time.

Tire size

Tire calibration is also important, not only to prevent them from wearing excessively but also to prevent accidents. Calibrate them weekly, always following the manufacturer's guidelines.

Avoid using solvents to clean tires and wheels

No use of solvents to sanitize truck tires. They will damage the rubber, and may even accelerate wear and generate accidents in the middle of the road. Always use suitable products, preferably those indicated by the manufacturers.

Periodic maintenance

Finally, always do thorough periodic maintenance on your vehicle, to ensure that all parts are working correctly. This type of review will also help you to avoid more serious problems, and even breaks in the middle of the road.

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