The record Bugatti Chiron can reach a speed never seen before

The record Bugatti Chiron can reach a speed never seen before

The fastest car in the world could actually exceed the declared speed.
Bugatti Chiron is the fastest car in the world, the new model has just broken the previous absolute record.

The French supercar with the very high power of 1,600 horsepower, in fact, came to race at the record speed of almost 500 km / h, sensational but true, the driver Andy Wallace driving has made the world record of 490 km / h of the maximum speed reached. Today, however, an announcement arrives that leaves us speechless by the French company, in fact, it seems that the new Bugatti Chiron, in reality, has not expressed all its potential in terms of power and speed, due to the circuit that has been chosen, that of Ehra-Lessen.

Along this track, the supercar has established absolute primacy for series road cars, but according to what Bugatti has just said, the car could have even done better. It seems that the House is convinced that its wonderful new Chiron has not been able to give its best due to the limits to safety and aerodynamics offered by the chosen track.

Not that the Ehra-Lessien has something wrong, in fact, it has a 21 km straight stretch completely straight, also equipped with excellent emergency services and safety barriers. Probably the disadvantage suffered by the Bugatti Chiron is related to aerodynamics since the French supercar operated at an altitude of 50 meters above sea level.

An abysmal difference if we think of the more than 1,000 meters of Nevada State Road 160, the circuit on which the Swedish Koenigsegg Agera RS darted. According to what declared by Bugatti, the Chiron in those conditions could even reach the 515 km / h of maximum speed.

During the press conference in which Bugatti decided to talk about this very important topic, the following words were expressed: “Our calculations showed that we would have been 25 km / h faster in Nevada. But Bugatti has discarded this option anyway. Safety comes first. The Nevada route is very long and goes in one direction only: the security forces would have taken too long to arrive on the scene in an emergency. In addition, the track has a slight inclination of around three percent. It didn't seem appropriate to set a record there. "

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