5 Tools to Keep inside the truck

5 Tools to Keep inside the truck

The day-to-day on the road reserves a series of surprises for drivers, whether they are positive or not. With that, you must always be prepared for any possible adversity. One way to take precautions is to always have truck tools in good condition and ready to be used. 
Having a suitable set of tools can make the difference when it comes to tightening your heavy truck on the road, from small faults to even more complex breakdowns. In addition, always remembering to perform preventive maintenance can help.
Given this scenario, do you want to know which truck tools should always be on your heavy-duty? Keep reading this article until the end and find out. Have a good reading. 

Why is it necessary to have good truck tools?

In many cases, truck drivers travel alone, due, among other things, to the basic need for just one person to drive the truck. Therefore, when crossing Brazilian highways it is necessary to rely on the most different types of material to be able to solve problems with the truck. 
Having these materials ensures that in the need of some repair it is possible to save time and get back on the road without major losses. This speed at the concert also guarantees a shorter exposure time for the transported cargo stopped on the road, something that is extremely dangerous. 

What is the truck tools that every trucker needs to have?

Before you hit the road with your heavy, be sure to check that the truck tools are in good condition and ready to use. So, to help you, see below a list of equipment that you should always take for trips:

 Top 5 Tools to Keep in Your Trunk

1 - Pliers and wrenches

Certainly, if you have ever done any manual work inside the house or in the truck to fix something, you realize that keys and pliers are always of great value. These truck tools are very versatile and can be used in the most different situations of everyday life. 
A common example that these tools can be applied is in the event of a mechanical failure of the engine when it is necessary to unscrew some part to assess the problem and then reassemble. Without these devices, you are likely to experience major headaches when problems arise. So, in general, having a set of keys with different models will be your great ally on the road. 
get you out of danger, by allowing quick fixes of minor breakdowns or replacement of parts such as flashlights, lamps, etc.

2 - Torque Wrench

Very common in workshops, the torque wrench is another tool for trucks that can help a lot in everyday tasks on the road. Its basic function is to demonstrate the torque applied to a certain component of the vehicle, such as when tightening and loosening screws, nuts, among others.
If used in connection with the vehicle usage guidelines determined by the automaker, it can avoid seriously consequences, since the structural limitations of each part, are expressed, preventing you from dusting, breaking or destroying any component and generating an accident.  

3 - Monkey

The first tool that every trucker should have on their equipment list is the jack. Fundamental in solving everyday problems, this tool gains even greater importance due to the poor state of conservation of several Brazilian highways, which end up causing damage to the vehicle during traffic.   
This way, especially in these places, the chances of a problem with the suspension or even a tire blow up increase. With that, it is likely that you will use the jack with a certain frequency to perform some repair. Regardless, understand that there are several monkey models that can be used. 
So, the best thing is to consult your truck manual and find out which type of jack is compatible with the type and weight of your truck. If there is no such correspondence, there is a risk of accidents, as the inappropriate tool may not be able to withstand the load and sag during a repair.

4 - Scanner

Do you think you know your truck? Regardless of the years that you may already have together, it will not always be possible to identify problems with just your senses. That is why it is important to count on the help of analysis equipment, such as the so-called automotive scanner.
This truck tool is a device formed by a module that is connected directly to the electronic control panel of your vehicle. When connecting to the truck, you only need to pair the equipment with a smartphone and use the application provided by the scanner manufacturer. 
Thus, it will be possible to identify the problems of your truck as soon as they arise, directly on the cell phone screen, looking for quick solutions so that they do not become major concerns in the future.

5 - Protective gloves

As you can already see in your daily experience driving a truck on Brazilian roads and the issues already mentioned in this article, many of the necessary concerts demand the use of physical force and the handling of heavy parts. With this, the risk of accidents occurring is always present, even in a simple tire change.
Faced with this scenario, the truck driver who wishes to take precautions should always wear protective equipment, with gloves. Although it may seem a little trivial in the face of other concerns, gloves can prevent serious accidents when solving any unforeseen event on the road.
Gloves prevent, for example, direct exposure to overheated surfaces, abrasions, among other problems. Depending on the service performed, ear protection, chemical goggles, luminous vests, dust respirator, semifacial mask, among others, should also, be used.  


In general, in order to make a safe trip on highways it is necessary to have a good tool kit for trucks. With this equipment, it will be possible to solve the demands that arise on a daily basis on the road, avoiding delay in deliveries and greater losses.

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