Appointment Letter Format
Best Simple appointment letter format in word free download. A private company, NGO, and government appointment letter formats are some changes. You can download word and pdf format from our website.
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What is an appointment letter?
An appointment letter is a document that formally confirms a candidate's employment. Typically, after a successful interview, an offer letter is issued to the candidate. After that, the candidates get a specific time to review and discuss the terms of the offer like salary structure.
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Appointment Letter Format and Sample
The appointment Letter Format must give full disclosure to all employment clauses and other terms and conditions offered from the employer’s side so that the candidate convey his / her joining date by accepting all term and conditions.
The followings points should be covered in an ideal appointment letter format:
- Company’s Letterhead with name & address of the organization (employer)
- Issuance Date of the Appointment Letter
- Full Name and address of the Candidate
- Job Title / Position offered
- Job Role & responsibilities
- Nature of Job
- Office timing
- Annual & Monthly salary
- Perks and Benefits
- Employment Terms & Conditions
- Brief of various company policies
- Reference or attachment of Employee Handbook or HR Manual
- Time length of the contract / Appointment ( if any)
- Date of joining
- A checklist of documents need to be submitted at the time of joining
- Security requirements
- Commitment or declaration
- Provision regarding termination
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letter of appointment template
This EMPLOYMENT AGREEMENT (hereinafter called the “Agreement”) is made this date 01 June 2019 by and between GKB ENGINEERING LIMITED having its office at Best House, 7th floor, House # 25, Road #13, Sector #10, Uttara, Dhaka-1230, Bangladesh (hereinafter called “Employer”) and Gangsoo Jang (hereinafter called the “Employee”, herein after called collectively as the “Parties” and individually as the “Party”.
Employer desires to employ the Employee for its business and work on the conditions set forth herein; and the Employee covenants to work faithfully in conformity with the Employer’s instruction at the assigned work.
Now, therefore, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the Parties have agreed as set forth hereunder:
Clause 1. Terms of Employment
The Agreement shall become effective and the Employee begin his service as from 01 June 2019 and it will continue for an indefinite period until it has been terminated pursuant to and under Clause 3, 11.
Clause 2. Appointment
The Employee, who hereby accepts the appointment and is appointed as Managing Director for the Employer. The appointed position may change as deemed necessary by the Employer and the Employee shall follow such change.
Clause 3. Probation Period
The probation period shall be three (3) months from the commencement of the Employee’s work.
The Employer may terminate the Agreement within probation period if it has been proved to him that the Employee is not capable of carrying out the work or any other fair reason provided that the Employer shall notify the Employee thereof before at least one (1) month from the date of termination. Such termination notice shall become effective provided the Employer notifies on or before the last of probation period.
The evaluation of qualification or suitability shall be final at the Employer’s sole discretion and it cannot be the subject of any disputes.
Clause 4. Place of Work
The Employee’s primary place of work shall be at the office, the address of which is Best House, 7th Floor, House No. 25, Road No. 13, Sector No. 10, Uttara, Dhaka-1230. However, the place of work may change in accordance with the job assignment to the Employee if so required by the Employer and the Employee shall fulfill such requirement.
Clause 5. Salary and Working Hours
The salary shall be consolidated and fixed, which is all-inclusive. The salary is deemed to include all kinds of allowances, including but not limited to lunch, transportation, housing, etc.
The consolidated salary shall be:
Basic pay: 80,000.00 BDT
Housing rent allowance: 40,000.00 BDT
Medical allowance: 10,000.00 BDT
Mobile/cellphone allowance: 2,500.00 BDT
Conveyance allowance: 2,500.00 BDT
Total: 135,000.00 BDT
Working hours shall be from 09:00 until 18:00 on weekdays (including 1 hour break) and from 09:00 to 13:00 on Saturdays. The normal weekly work hours shall not exceed 48 hours, in accordance with local law. The working hours includes one-hour lunch break which shall not be included in the working hours in accordance with local labor law.
Saturday is normal work day.
For a portion exceeding actual normal working hours a day, additional overtime payment shall be made according to the overtime rate stipulated by local labor law and regulations.
Clause 6. Remuneration
The Employee will be entitled to an annual bonus equal to one month’s salary.
The bonus shall be divided into two and shall be paid two times per year, each time half of the bonus amount. The first bonus shall be payable in celebration of Eid-ul-Fitr and the rest shall be payable in celebration of Eid-ul-Azha. The bonus shall be paid before such holidays.
Clause 7. Taxes and Duties
The Employee shall bear any and all taxes and duties including income tax imposed on his income in accordance with local law and regulations.
The Employer shall have the right to deduct the amount of such taxes, if any, from the Employee’s salary for the payment of taxes and duties on behalf of the Employee.
Clause 8. Leave Entitlement
Annual Leave
The Employee, provided that he has completed one year of continuous service in an establishment, shall be entitled, during the subsequent period of twelve months, to every twenty five (25) days of work, which will be paid leave. Such leave shall not be accumulated and carried forward to the succeeding year.
A period of leave allowed under this clause shall be inclusive of any holiday which may occur during such period.
The Employee shall be granted the timing and period of leave subject to approval by the Employer in a manner not to disturb the proper execution of work.
Sick Leave
The Employee shall be entitled to sick leave with full wages for fourteen (14) days in a calendar year. The Employee shall be entitled to sick leave with half wages for not less than one-eighteen (118) days of the period of this Agreement.
No such leave shall be allowed unless a registered medical practitioner certifies that the Employee is ill and requires sick leave for cure or treatment for such period as may be specified by him.
Such leave shall not be accumulated and carried forward to succeeding year.
Clause 9. Public Holidays
The Employee shall be entitled to one day weekly leave/rest day on every Friday.
The employer shall be entitled to leave/rest on national holidays.
The Employee may be required to work on any holidays, but a substitute holiday shall be provided for him.
Clause 10. Obligations and Duties of the Employee
The Employee shall work with dignity and good faith as staff of the Employer and never commit any act to spoil the reputation and honor of the Employer.
The Employee shall observe all legitimate regulations and instructions issued by the Employer.
The Employee shall serve only the Employer and must not have any job for any other company either part-time or full-time during the term of this Agreement.
The Employee shall be faithful and work in accordance with the instructions from the Employer and shall not refuse to perform his duties without justifiable reason.
The Employee shall not hold any unauthorized meeting against the Employer except for the company’s business purposes and shall not take any collective actions that may prove detrimental to the interest of the Employer, such as illegal demonstrations, sit-down strikes, etc.
The Employee shall not take out the Employer’s properties such as documents, drawings, machinery equipment or any type of property from the work place except on official business.
The Employee shall not divulge any kinds of information and confidential data in connection with the Employer’s business. This obligation shall survive even after the termination of his employment without limit of time.
Clause 11. Termination of Agreement
The Agreement shall be terminated in the following cases unless otherwise specified herein:
When the Employer expresses his written intention to terminate this Agreement by giving the Employee three (3) month prior notice due to change of manpower requirement, financial losses and similar cases.
When Employee submits a letter of resignation for the Employer’s acceptance in which the Employee shall notify the Employer of his intention thirty (30) days before his resignation.
The Employer may terminate this Agreement or dismiss the Employee, and such termination shall take immediate effect upon written notice, subject to the observance of the procedures and formalities of the Company if the Employee commits any of the following violations.
Slandering the Employer.
Doing or taking part in unfavorable actions such as violence, destruction, sabotage, demonstration, commotion, riot, gambling, demoralization and the like.
Being guilty of grave misconduct or convicted of crime.
Taking an action which brings about difficulties for execution of the Employer’s duty.
Being incapable of doing his job due to physical or mental handicap.
Forgery of the documents certifying the Employee’s qualifications.
Being absent from work for more than three (3) days in a month without justifiable reason or negligent of his duties by his insincere work attitude and frequent leaving work early.
Causing damage or loss to the Employer’s facilities, equipment, machinery and tools by the Employee’s willful intention or misconduct.
Committing any significant breach of the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Clause 12. Miscellaneous General Provisions
The Employee hereby represents and warrants that he shall conduct all his activities in accordance with the Agreement, and observe any applicable laws, conventions, regulations and other requirements of national authorities and institutions.
If the performance of one Party’s obligation shall be in any way prevented, interrupted, or hindered in consequence of such as act of god, war civil disturbance, strike, lockout or any other circumstances beyond the reasonable control of such Party and if the Party subject to the condition of force majeure gives immediate notice of such condition to the other Party, the affected obligation of the Party concerned may be wholly or partly suspended during the continuance and to the extent of such prevention, interruption or hindrance.
Any other particulars and/or matters, unless otherwise described in this Agreement, shall be subject to the local laws.
Deductions may be made on account of the absence of the Employee from the place, where by the terms of his employment, he is required to work, such absence being for the whole or any part of the period during which he is so required to work. The amount of such deduction shall be at the rate equal to the daily average of his full time salary including any allowances.
Both Parties have signed and executed this Agreement in duplicate, intending each copy to serve as original, and to be kept, respectively, by the Parties to this Agreement.
EMPLOYER Signed by
Name in full
For and on behalf of GKB Engineering Ltd.
EMPLOYEE Signed by
Name in full
ID No. or Passport No.
simple appointment letter format in word free download
how to write a sample Appointment Letter in the above article we discuss. You can find appointment letter format in word and pdf files with image view.
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