Finding the perfect building site: Tips for buying land

Finding the perfect building site: Tips for buying land

If you want to build a house, you first need the right building plot. The search for the dream building site is often more difficult than expected. Information and tips for buying land.

The low interest rate phase in Germany has led to a real construction boom in recent years. The consequence: Land is becoming expensive and scarce due to high demand. Especially in metropolitan areas, it is often more difficult to find a suitable building site than a house. To ensure that the search is successful in the end and those willing to buy do not fall into expensive cases, future builders should pay attention to some important tips on property purchase.

Find a suitable building site

Finding the optimal building plot is not always easy. Competent helpers support you in your search.

Building plot from the broker: Good brokers will help future house builders to find the right plot of land. They know both the market and building law. Disadvantage: The costs for the broker's services are not insignificant. Depending on the federal state, between 3.57 and 7.14 percent commission is due - plus VAT.

Property from the municipality: Inquiries from municipalities can be promising. Up-and-coming small and medium-sized communities that have developed residential areas often even sell properties at very reasonable prices. There are usually no agency fees.

Search for a building site in real estate exchanges on the Internet: There are numerous regional and national real estates exchanges such as with real estate offers from private individuals and brokers. The search is easy, the descriptions are detailed - mostly with photos.

Real estate developers: In conurbations, where real estate is in short supply, future builders can find what they are looking for. One disadvantage: you are usually contractually bound to build the house with this developer.

Land purchase: - this is what future house builders should pay attention to
Once the property has been found, future builders must do thorough research before signing the purchase contract. Because you cannot realize your dream house on every property.

Check the development plan

First of all, house builders should look at the development plan in the responsible municipality. For example, this provides information about which roof shapes and how many floors can be built. The development plan also specifies the size and shape of the home and the minimum distances to neighboring properties.

Check the land register entry

A look at the land register is also essential. Here you will find information about existing mortgage burdens, registered rights of way, or a possible right of first refusal of the municipality.

Check whether the property is already developed

Future builders should also immediately inquire whether the building site has already been developed: Is the property connected to the sewage system, energy, and water supply? Are telephone and cable connections already established? The development costs that would otherwise be incurred can quickly amount to several thousand euros. Development can also take a long time and thus delay the building of the house. On the other hand, the undeveloped land is usually cheaper.

Condition of the property

Housebuilders should also take a close look at the nature of the property and the building site. Slopes must be built on differently than flat surfaces. If the groundwater level is extremely high, for example, the house may need a complex basement seal. It is, therefore, worthwhile to have a ground investigation carried out in advance. Usually, geotechnical offices offer these services.

Contaminated sites on the property

Future builders should also inform themselves about possible contaminated sites on the property before buying. Contaminated sites are environmentally hazardous substances such as chemicals, oil, or electronic waste. They mostly occur on old industrial and commercial land or on land on which waste was stored. In order to be able to exclude contaminated sites, builders should make a (mostly fee-based) request to the responsible registry of contaminated sites or the building authority. The environmental offices of the counties can also inform whether a property is suspected of being a contaminated site. If in doubt, it is worth having a soil report made. This service is offered by some engineering offices or geotechnical engineers. Four test bores usually cost between 1,000 and 1,500 euros. Not much money,

Check living environment

When looking for the perfect building site, the living environment is also important. Future builders should, therefore, take a close look at the infrastructure, the leisure facilities in the surrounding area, and the transport links. Noise and smell-troublesome businesses in the neighborhood can soon make any property, no matter how great, a nightmare.

Calculate costs

Anyone who buys a property should keep in mind that there are also some additional costs in addition to the purchase costs:

Brokerage fees: Those who buy the property through a broker usually have to pay a buyer's commission. Depending on the region, this amounts to between 3.57 and 7.14 percent of the purchase price including VAT.
Real estate transfer tax: A real estate transfer tax must be paid to the tax authorities for each property purchase. Depending on the federal state, the tax is between 3.5 and 6.5 percent and is payable on the total purchase price.
Notary fees: As a rule of thumb, buyers should budget around 1.5 percent of the purchase price for the notary and land register.
Alternative to buying land: Leasehold
Leasehold is a good alternative to buying land. The builder leases from a leaseholder - usually, these are church facilities - a piece of land. Advantage: There are no costs for the purchase of the property. However, ground rent is payable for the entire term - usually 99 years. A ground rent rate of four to six percent is common.

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